
Gene-map Homology Search

(Search Japan Animal Genome Database)
Locus Symbol:
(Search OMIM Genome Database)
Enter gene symbol, chromosomal location, or keywords to search for, e.g. "CYP1","5", "1pter", "Xq", or "alzheimer". You must capitalize X and Y to search for those chromosomes.

If the mapping information of a given gene is found in other species in our database, locus symbol with the link to our database and the cytogenetic position are displayed.

If it is not found, genes which are close to the given gene and occur in other species are searched in the MGD linkage map. When such genes are found, the cytogenetic position of the genes are displayed to provide a possible location of the given gene on chromosomes.


Mammalian Homology Query at Jackson Lab

Sort the output by: Marker in primary species Chromosomal locations
Include in results: selected species all homologous species.
Max number of returns: 10 100 500 No limit

Primary Species
Marker Symbol(s):
Marker Name:
Comparison Species