
吳明哲 李世昌 張秀鑾 黃瓊姿






M. C. Wu, S. C. Lee, H. L. Chang and C. T. Huang

Taiwan Livestock Research Institute

Young does of Rex rabbits at five months of age were selected as breeding stocks and then they were raised individually in a net box (45x90x36cm) which was hanged 55cm above the floor. Data analysis was based upon their birth year from 1990 to 1995, 822 Rex does consisting of 261 Castor, 167 Chinchilla, 195 Opal and 199 White fur color varieties were traced for mortality, ages at death, culling and parturition, and number of parity. Regardless of color varieties Rex rabbit does gave births from first to tenth parity at 262, 329, 405, 479, 557, 633, 708, 784, 856 and 907 days of age. Percentages of Mortality in four varieties of fur color described above were 36.40, 13.77, 17.95 and 27.14%, respectively. When dead does were classified into the no-progeny group and the progeny-yes group. Average age at death of rabbit doe for the above four varieties were 240, 348, 268 and 275 days old, respectively, in the no-progeny group; whereas age at death were 397, 481, 467 and 464 days old in the progeny-yes group. For those of culled does they were culled at 474, 602, 504 and 514 days of age in average. The highest numbers of parities of does in the above four varieties were 16, 15, 13 and 19, respectively. The oldest doe at parturition among all does was 1447 days of age that it indicated the reproductive life span of Rex doe could be four years long.

Key Words: Rex rabbit, Fur color, Reproductive life span.