
黃憲榮 黃雅芬 涂海南 陳芳男 李世昌 林德育 吳明哲 張秀鑾


本研究旨在探討多產梅山豬與高產肉杜洛克豬種正反雜交後裔豬之生長性能,期供作培育具產品區隔新品系豬種之遺傳資源。試驗豬群包括梅山豬(M,公豬60頭,女豬64頭)、杜洛克(D,公豬27頭,女豬25頭)、杜洛克公豬與配梅山母豬之後裔(MD,公豬165頭,女豬197頭)和梅山公豬與配杜洛克母豬之後裔(DM,公豬97頭,女豬112頭),計有公豬349頭與女豬398頭。參試豬隻生長性能檢定期間自70至210日齡,測定性狀包括70(W70)、90(W90)、120(W120)、150(W150)、180(W180)與210日齡(W210)之體重,以及150(BF150)、180(BF180)與210日齡(BF210)之第五肋、最後肋與最後腰椎離背中線5公分處之背脂厚度平均。公豬因採個檢方式進行,故亦測定檢定期間之飼料效率(FE);而女豬則以群檢方式進行。分析結果發現:不論公豬或女豬,各階段體重不僅具顯著的品種效應(P<0.001),且MD與DM公豬與女豬均具顯著的雜交優勢,其雜交優勢估值範圍分別為19.2 ~ 30.0%(P<0.001)與10.1 ~ 19.6%(P<0.001)。在公豬背脂厚度方面,正反交(MD與DM)豬隻之BF150、BF180與BF210估值平均,分別顯著地較純種(M與D)者之平均厚8.8、10.2與15.3%(P<0.001);但在女豬方面,此種顯著性差異則僅見於BF210(P<0.001)。此外,品種間差異雖亦見於公豬之FE(P<0.001),但雜交優勢估值則不顯著(P>0.05)。




H. J. Huang, Y. F. Huang, H. N. Twu, F. N. Chen, S. C. Lee, D. Y. Lin, M. C. Wu and H. L. Chang

Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The objective of this study was to investigate the growth performances of Meishan (M), Duroc (D) and their reciprocal crosses for the reference of potential new strain exploration in Taiwan. Tested herd included growing pigs of M (60 boars and 64 gilts), D (27 boars and 25 gilts), MD defined as the progeny of M sows sired by D boars (165 boars and 197 gilts), and DM defined as the progeny of D sows sired by M boars (97 boars and 112 gilts). A total of 349 boars and 398 gilts were evaluated during 70 an 210 days of age. Traits analyzed were body weights at 70 (W70), 90 (W90), 120 (W120), 150 (W150), 180 (W180) and 210 (W210) days of age, and averaged backfat thickness at 150 (BF150), 180 (BF180) and 210 (BF210) days of age which were measured at 5 cm from dorsal line of the fifth and last ribs as well as the last lumbar. Boars were tested individually and thus the corresponding feed efficiency during testing period was also evaluated. However, tested gilt were group housed without feed consumed information. Result indicated that breed effects was significant for body weights considered in this study (P<0.001). Also, both boars and gilt of MD and DM showed significant heterosis with the range of corresponding estimates being 19.2 ~ 30.0% and 10.1 ~ 19.6% (P<0.001), respectively. Furthermore, the averages of MD and DM boars for BF150, BF180, and BF210 were also 8.8, 10.2 and 15.3% thicker than the averages of M and D for corresponding traits (P<0.001). However, the similar result was only observed for BF210 in gilt (P<0.001) but not in BF150 or BF180. In addition, breed effects was also significant (P<0.001) for FE in boars but estimate of heterosis was not significant (P>0.05).

Key Words: Meishan pigs, Duroc pigs, Reciprocal crosses, Growth performances.