
賴永裕(1) 宋永義(2) 王佩華(2) 王旭昌(3) 李世昌(1) 張秀鑾(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立台灣大學畜產系 (3)財團法人中央畜產會

豬體型與其瘦肉量息息相關,且歷年來展示拍賣會中種豬售價與生長指數排名之不一致現象亦顯示各豬場對豬隻體型的重視程度。然因過去國內育種制度目的在協助農民加速豬隻生長性狀改良,提供國人足夠動物性蛋白質來源,故未將體型評鑑作進一步的量化,以致未能落實體型改良於豬種選拔之實務工作。目前中央畜產會在每期種豬拍賣時亦同時提供完檢女豬之展示拍賣,並於200201期開始依行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所第三與六次網路養豬會議與中央畜產會種豬育種改良工作推動小組第八次會議討論結果,組織體型評鑑小組進行體型評鑑試評,期建立完整的體型評鑑標準程序。試評方法依品種、公母取完檢頭數的三分之一分開始排名,由評鑑人員就完檢豬群最多以每9頭為一組,目視體型做第一次分組初排名,將各評鑑員的各組排名平均後,取每組前三名為入圍豬,入圍豬再進行第二次的總排名,並針對入圍豬優點部位(分頭頸、體軀、四肢與尾根)給予適當評語與排名,並酌選優良等級豬。體型評鑑相關資料(包括完檢後、體型評鑑後與豬隻優點部位之影像)於拍賣會前同步公佈於網路養豬網站 http://www.angrin.tlri.gov.tw ,供標購者上網參考。




Y. Y. Lai(1), Y. Y. Sung(2), P. H. Wang(2), S. C. Wang(3) ,S. C. Lee(1) and H. L. Chang(1)

(1)Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, COA (2)National Taiwan University
(3)National Animal Industry Foundation

Body conformation is highly associates with lean meat production in pig. Breeders did not select the replacement based on selection index only which could be verified by the inconsistence between auction price and selection index. To provide adequate animal origin protein, growth traits improvement gained more attention than body conformation in pigs during the past three decades. Thus, neither conformation score for pig judging is available nor is practiced in breeding strategy in Taiwan. Since full-sib gilts completed test can participate the auction by the new modified breeding system recently. Followed by the conclusion obtained from the eighth swine improvement meeting held in TLRI, a pig judging system should be developed and conducted with performance test procedure. Therefore, top one-third of off-test pigs were judged within breed and gender class. Maximum nine pigs were ranked for the first judge and three were chosen for final ranking and judging statement. Information including pig judging results (positive terms in head, body, legs, feet and movement) and image files was provided in the web site (http://www.angrin.tlri.gov.tw) for buyers’ references before auction.

Key Words: Body conformation, Judging, Internet web site.