
李世昌 張秀鑾 黃鈺嘉 鍾秀枝 吳明哲


本系統已進入實測階段,並應用於行政院農委會畜產試驗所土雞育種計畫,完成4830隻土雞集蛋記錄。籠飼種禽產蛋記錄資料需配合現場作業方式採用籠飼位置記錄個別種禽產蛋數與性狀。傳統上,應用電腦系統進行產蛋記錄資料管理時,需先建立籠號位置與種禽羽號對照表,隨後再依現場產蛋記錄表設計產蛋記錄輸入畫面,俾利資料正確輸入與個別種禽產蛋評估,並進一步提供育種專家統計分析。此種作業模式,常因籠號位置與種禽羽號對照表業已事前固定,故無法在產蛋資料蒐集期間隨意更改,且必須俟所有資料蒐集完畢後再由育種專家統計分析決定更新種禽後再進行選留,同時通知現場選優汰劣與準備下一世代更新用種蛋收集,最後才將籠飼家禽移開並騰出位置供下一批使用。如此繁複之作業將導致在有限設備與人力下,無法增加檢定批次與縮短檢定期間。因此,如何應用資料庫系統管理籠飼家禽產蛋記錄資料,有效運用有限設備與人力,達到增加檢定批次與縮短檢定期間為本研究之目的。本研究應用Microsoft SQL Server關聯式資料庫管理系統進行資料記錄,分別建立家禽基本資料、籠號位置、產蛋記錄…等所需相關資料表與關聯圖。為使終端使用者不受時空限制且更方便操作,採用3Tier架構,程式開發以JScript、VBScript等程式語言工具開發動態伺服器網頁ASP(Active Server Pages),使用者可用網際網路透過瀏覽器方式建立與管理資料,育種者則可依其愛好應用統計分析軟體,如SAS,透過ODBC介面連結資料庫系統進行分析與評估。



S. C. Lee, H. L. Chang, Y. C. Huang, H. C. Chung and M. C. Wu

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The system has been practiced in breeding project of native chicken in Institute in which had laying records from 4,830 hens. Breeding hen in cage was recorded by its cage location with laying records plus egg traits. Traditionally, application of computer system on data management must have cage identification and individual tag of breeding hen to make data recording as the recording sheet from the farm. Such data management system created the bird fixed in cage and made the substitution impossible status during the tested period. Therefore, all selected hens must be removed to empty the cages before establish another batch. Thus, both the number of test and test period were fixed and the latter could not be shortened. The objective of the study is to provide a flexible recording system without empty all cages from batch to batch. Microsoft SQL Server link module on data management system was used and the evaluation system for laying performance of individual hen in poultry breeding included basic records on each bird, cage location, date of egg laid, and other items. Application of 3Tier structure along with Jscript and VBScript program language to make ASP (Active Server Pages) homepage via World Wide Web for the System, the user is able to link the system at any time in any place. The animal breeder could also use ODBC connection to obtain data set and analyze.

Key words: Laying records, Databank, World Wide Web.