
黃鈺嘉 李世昌 楊德威 張秀鑾 陳志毅 李素珍 曾青雲 張菊犁 吳明哲


以近五年(1999 – 2003)牛群改良計劃(DHI)之測乳母牛進行父畜遺傳檢測追蹤,結果發現 1999 年79596 頭次測乳之父畜單譜症之雜合型與正常型DP/ TD 比值為 0/603、淋巴球黏力缺失症之雜合型與正常型(BL/ TL) 比值為 72/2502,脊椎畸形複合症之雜合型與正常型(CV/ TV) 比值為 175/210。2003 年(1 – 10月15日) 188430 頭次測乳之父畜DP/ TD 比值為 0/13962、BL/ TL 比值為 673/54625, CV/ TV 比值為 4671/19348。由近五年資料顯示,DHI計劃推動,除測乳頭數增加外,可追蹤遺傳檢測之系譜數比例亦大幅增加( 2652/79596 至 58135/188430)。五年內除已無單譜症雜合型父畜外,由 2003年淋巴球黏力缺失症之雜合型與正常型(BL/ TL) 比值為 673/54625(1.23%) ,預計母牛群之淋巴球黏力缺失症亦可在未來五年內漸降至1% 以下,但脊椎畸形複合症之雜合型之頻率則偏高(即使假設未檢測公畜均為正常型,亦至少為 4671/188430=2.48% ),進一步系譜追蹤脊椎畸形複合症之雜合型父畜來源,發現一頭高頻度使用的 AI 公牛 PARADISE-R ROEBUCK 為 494 頭母牛的父畜,2003年共有2043 頭次女兒的測乳紀錄,每 100 頭次DHI 測乳中至少有一次為 ROEBUCK 的女兒牛乳樣(2043/188430),佔約為全部雜合型的一半(2043/4671)。短期內除需嚴格進行精液進口把關外,酪農需注意自留小公牛選拔與庫存精液系譜追蹤。



Y. C. Huang, S. C. Lee, T. W. Yang, H. L. Chang, J. Y. Chen, S .J. Lee, C. Y. Tseng, C. L. Chang and M. C. Wu

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

This trail traced genotypes of sires of DHI test records in 1999 – 2003 period. Results found sire’s carrier/normal ratios of 79596 test records in 1999 were 0/603(DP/TD) for DUMPS((Deficiency of Uridine Monophosphate Synthase), 72/2502 (BL/TL) for BLAD(Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency) and 175/210 for CVM(Complex Vertebral Malformation). Sire’s carrier/normal ratios of 188430 test records in 2003(Jan. to 15 Oct.) were 0/13962 (DP/TD) for DUMPS, 673/54625(BL/TL) for BLAD and 4671/19348(CV/TV) for CVM. The progresses of the DHI program were not only increased the enrolled cow numbers but also increased the completed pedigrees with genotypes. The traced pedigrees with genotypes were from 2652 in 79596 milk samples of 1999 to 52652 in 188430 milk samples of 2003. No carrier sires was found for DUMPS. Carrier frequency of BLAD could be expected to reduce to less than 1% in 5 years. However, high frequency of CVM, at least 2.48%(4671/188430) were found, even if all null-genotype bulls were normal assumed. Further pedigrees tracing found a carrier bull, PARADISE-R ROEBUCK*CV was the main erosion source from. 494 DHI cows were daughters of ROEBUCK. Half carries(2043/4671) were from ROEBUCK daughters’ which come to about 1% (2043/188430) DHI samples. In addition to restrict the CV carrier semen import, dairy farmers need traced the pedigree to select young bulls for nature service and look out what semen inventoried carefully.

Key Words: Taiwan, Holstein, Genetic defects.