
張伸彰(1) 黃憲榮(1) 許晉賓(1) 李世昌(2) 涂海南(1) 吳明哲(3) 張秀鑾(2)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所遺傳育種組

本研究旨為研究梅山豬與杜洛克豬雜交選育後裔體型性狀之變化,供未來育成新品系豬種之參考。試驗豬群包括用於進行正反雜交一代之種原豬群(梅山豬,M,公與女豬59與60頭、杜洛克,D,公與女豬26與22頭)、M母豬與配D公豬之F1代後裔(MD,公與女豬134與171頭)、D母豬與配M公豬之F1代後裔(DM,公與女豬95與157頭)、MD母豬與配MD公豬之F2代後裔(md,公與女豬104與152頭)、MD母豬與配DM公豬之F2代後裔(dm,公與女豬108與157頭)、md母豬與配md公豬之F3代後裔(mdmd,公與女豬49與67頭)、dm母豬與配md公豬之F3代後裔(dmmd,公與女豬46與69頭)、md母豬與配dm公豬之F3代後裔(mddm,公與女豬47與49頭)、dm母豬與配dm公豬之F3代後裔(dmdm,公與女豬45與70頭),計有公與女豬713與920頭。參試豬隻於210日齡測定體型性狀,包括體高、十字高、體長、胸圍、管圍、尾俓、後幅、胸幅、前幅和胸深等十項。結果顯示:F1代正反雜交之體型性狀,除尾俓外,具顯著的品種效應,MD與DM顯著地較M有較大的體型性狀(P<0.001);F2代之品種效應則僅見於後幅、胸幅與前幅(P<0.01);F3代,除體高、十字高、後幅與胸深外,品種效應亦顯著(P<0.05)。同時,比較F1與F3代發現,F3代不論在體高、十字高、胸圍、尾俓、後幅、胸幅、前幅和胸深等體型性狀均較F1代減少3.2 – 11.8%(P<0.001)。



S. C. Chang(1), H. J. Huang(1), C. B. Hsu(1), S. C. Lee(2), H. N. Twu(1), M. C. Wu(3) and H. L. Chang(2)

(1) Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, (2) Breeding and Genetics Division
(3) Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the body conformation of Meishan(M) crossing with Duroc(D) for the reference of potential new strain exploration in Taiwan. Tested herd included F1 pigs of M (59 boars and 60 gilts), D (26 boars and 22 gilts), MD defined as the progeny of M sows sired by D boars (134 boars and 171 gilts), and DM defined as the progeny of D sows sired by M boars (95 boars and 157 gilts), F2 pigs of md defined as the progeny of MD sows sired by MD boars (104 boars and 152 gilts), and dm defined as the progeny of MD sows sired by DM boars (108 boars and 157 gilts), F3 pigs of mdmd defined as the progeny of md sows sired by md boars (49 boars and 67 gilts), mddm defined as the progeny of md sows sired by dm boars (46 boars and 69 gilts), dmmd defined as the progeny of dm sows sired by md boars (47 boars and 49 gilts) and dmdm defined as the progeny of dm sows sired by dm boars (45 boars and 70 gilts). A total of 713 boars and 920 gilts were evaluated at 210 days of age. Ten traits evaluated were body height, body length, cruciate height, chest girth, girth of limb, girth of tail, rump width, chest width, shoulder width and chest depth. Results showed that the effects of breeds were significant for body conformation considered in F1 except for girth of tail and both MD and DM had larger body conformation when compared with those of corresponding traits in M as expected (P<0.001). In F2, significant breed effects were only observed in rump width, chest width and shoulder width (P<0.01). Similar significant breed effects were also found in traits studied except for body height, cruciate height, rump width, and chest depth in F3 (P<0.05). When comparison was made between F1 and F3, F3 pigs showed 3.2 – 11.8% smaller in body height, cruciate height, chest girth, girth of tail, rump width, chest width, shoulder width and chest depth (P<0.001).

Key Words: Meishan pig, Duroc pig, Body conformation.