中國畜牧學會會誌34(增刊)  ,2005
J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 34(Suppl.)



陳佳萱(1) 顏念慈(1) 劉建甫(1) 蔡信雄(2) 周佳樂(1) 劉振發(1) 吳明哲(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所  (2)屏東科技大學獸醫系

為增進畜產種原生物多樣性寶貴資源與永續利用目標,近年陸續建立桃園豬皺紋數位相片檔案與皺紋量測方法。本年度選定桃園豬與藍瑞斯各一胎豬隻進行皮膚組織彈性纖維切片觀察,手術時間為出生一日齡與一月齡仔豬,採樣區域為桃園豬皺紋發生處明顯且皺摺多部位,分別為額頭、身體側邊與尾巴。將豬隻以硫酸阿托品(Atropine sulfate)與舒泰50(Zoletil 50)進行全身麻醉,將取樣後組織放入福馬林保存,樣品經由Verhoeff氏彈性纖維染色法進行組織包埋固定、切片與染色,將完成後玻片經由電子顯微鏡觀察,彈性纖維(elastic fibers)及細胞核呈現黑色,膠原纖維(collagen)呈現紅色,其他部分的組織則呈現黃色。本實驗結果桃園豬與藍瑞斯於出生一日與一月齡組織切片在額頭、身體側邊與尾巴分別呈現不同程度點狀彈性纖維,血管內壁亦可見彈性纖維存在,但一日齡與一月齡桃園豬與藍瑞斯並未發現細帶狀黑色彈性纖維。




C. H. Chen(1), N. T. Yen(1), C. F. Liu(1), S. S. Tsai(2), C. L. Chou(1), J. F. Liu(1) and M. C. Wu(1)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Dept of Veterinary Medicine, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

To preserve and utilize the biodiversity of animal genetic resource, the wrinkles of Taoyaun pig have built the digital files and measuring method in recent years. A litter of Taoyaun piglet was randomly selected to observe the skin tissue section in this annual project, and Landrace piglets were the control. The ages of the piglets on birth and one month were sampled from the forehead, body side and tail which had initial and significant wrinkles. The piglets were injected Atopine sulfate and Zoletil 50 to take general anesthesia, and sampled the skin tissue to reserve in formalin. By the Verhoeff”s elastic fiber dye method, the dyed sections were inspected with the electronic microscope. The elastic fiber and nucleus were displayed in black, collagen was showed in red and the other tissues were exhibited in yellow. The results indicated that Taoyaun and Landrace’s skin tissue sections on the ages of birth and one month piglet showed dotted elastic fibers on the forehead, body side, tail and intima, but striped elastic fibers were not discovered on Taoyaun and Landrace’s section samples.

Key Words: Taoyaun pig, Skin, Elastic fibers