中國畜牧學會會誌36(增刊)  ,2007
J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 36(Suppl.)


50.超低溫凍存6種畜產植物 (1)添加DMA 對種子的影響


賴永裕 林德育 黃鈺嘉 許進德 蕭素碧 吳明哲



畜產種原包括畜產動物、畜產植物及畜產微生物,為瞭解畜產植物-牧草種子對於超低溫保存的耐受性,對常用的2種禾本科(甜高梁、蘇丹草)4種豆科(中東苜蓿、苕子、大豆、綠肥大豆台南7)植物進行研究。各種子分5(A,B,C,D,E),每組百粒,分裝入冷凍小管(2ml)中,水份含量甜高梁11.9%、蘇丹草12.7%、中東苜蓿9.7%、苕子12.4%、大豆9.1%、綠肥大豆台南710%,以4(B,C,D,E)放入液態氮桶中,於液面上方3英吋 -186氣態儲存10天,其中2(B,C)加入12 dimethylacetamide(DMA)抗凍液,對照組(A)以常溫保存。解凍以40溫水浸泡冷凍小管20分鐘(C,E)26常溫放置(B,D)方式進行,發芽觀查3天。結果顯示,56種牧草中,苕子皆未發芽,各組中以中東苜蓿抗凍能力為最佳,在各組發芽百分率依序為8175676881,甜高梁為9227383519,蘇丹草為79421612較差,大豆為83001826,顯示加入DMA後無法改善發芽率,綠肥大豆台南7號為8612272470,亦顯示未加入DMA並以溫水解凍為宜。畜產種原之牧草種子以超低溫保存時,保存條件與解凍條件各異,在實施凍存時應先瞭解其適宜條件,才能復育發芽達成畜產種原保存的目的。






Cryopreservation of Six Livestock Forages (I) Effect of DMA on Seeds


Y.Y. Lai, D.Y. Lin, Y.C. Huang, C. T. Hsu, S. P. Shaug and M C. Wu

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture


Animal Genetic Resources include farm animals, livestock forages and livestock microorganisms.  Information of Cryopreservation of Taiwan livestock forages is very limited.  In this study, six species seeds, two in the grass family (Sweet Sorghum, Sudangrass) and four in the pulse family (Far east Alafa, Hairy vetch, Soybean, Green manure in soybean crops of Tainan No.7.) were stored in liquid nitrogen(LN) and water contents of the seeds of were 11.9, 12.7, 9.7, 12.4, 9.1 and 10, respectively.  Each specie has five treatments, group A(stored in room temperature thawed at 40water), group B(12 dimethylacetamide, DMA, in -196 LN thawed at 26room temperature), group C(12%DMA, in -196 LN thawed at 40water ), group D(no DMA, in -196 LN thawed at 26 room temperature), and group E(no DMA, in -196 LN thawed at 40water ).  Each specie-treatment group had 100 seeds and was stored in 2ml frozen vials for 10 days and after then thawed for 20 minutes.  Three days germination test for five treatments, from A to E, showed germination rates of (1) Sweet Sorghum were 92, 27, 38, 35 and 19% (2) Sudangrass were 79, 4, 2, 16 and 12% (3) Far east alfalfa with best germination rates were 81, 75, 67, 68 and 81% (4) were 0% for all treatments of Hairy vetch (5) Soybean were 83, 0, 0, 18 and 26%, and DMA had inferior effect on germination (6) Green manure in soybean crops of Tainan No.7 were 86, 12, 27, 24 and 70%, and the E group without DMA, thawed at 40water was best. DMA did not improve germination rate in this study. Cryopreservation of seeds of Livestock Forages was feasible, but optimum conditions varied in different species.


Key words: Cryopreservation, Livestock forage, Seed