中國畜牧學會會誌37(增刊)  ,2008
J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 37(Suppl.)


78.以四種遺傳標記OPNGPIPGD HAL1843探討種母豬使用年限


廖仁寶 顏念慈 黃鈺嘉 吳明哲



179頭出生於1993年至1999年同一家牧場的種母豬進行本研究,母豬的使用期限定義為出生至離場止的在場日數(除以 365則為年限),四種遺傳標記包括OPN微衛星(9個交替基因,29種基因型)GPI,PGD(3種基因型)及緊迫基因Hal-1843(2種基因型, CCCT)。經過刪去12OPN基因型只有12筆的資料存在,共剩146筆資料可供四種遺傳標記分析。統計模式包含品種、年代、OPN基因型、GPIPGDHal-1843等固定效應,分析結果僅年度及品種效應顯著(P<0.05)。進一步分析其它生性性狀(日增重、90kg日齡、修正背脂)結果亦是無法檢出顯著的遺傳標記效應。經重新編輯資料,將OPN的不同交替基因,[TG] 14 [TG] 19 [TG] 21 [TG] 23 [TG] 24 …等視為不同的固定效應 ,而 [TG] 8[TG] 13 [TG] 25 [TG] 26 等效應,因於藍瑞斯品種僅一??或不存在,故不納入分析,共有164筆資料可供分析種母豬使用年限,結果除年度及品種效應外(P<0.05)[TG] 19 [TG] 21存在顯著效應,而GPI效應則於修正背脂性狀中檢測出,[TG] 23亦於日增重及90kg日齡檢出,然而這些檢出效應的F值均小 (0.05>P>0.01),且僅[TG] 19 [TG] 21效應檢出可能與種母豬使用年限有關,因此並不推薦以此四項遺傳標記(OPNGPIPGDHal-1843)直接應用於種母豬使用年限的選拔。






R. B. Liaw, N. T. Yen, Y. C. Huang and M. C. Wu

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture


There were 179 sows born in the same herd between 1993 and 1999 for marker effects on sow longevity study. Sow longevity was defined as days of age from birth to culling. Four genetic marker, microsatellite markers of Osteopontin (OPN, 29 genotypes by 9 alleles) gene, glucose-phosphate isomerase (GPI, 3 genotypes), phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (PGD, 3 genotypes) and porcine calcium release channel gene (Hal-1843, 2 genotypes, CC and CT), were genotyped for all sows. Because sample size of 12 set OPN genotypes was smaller than 3, only 146 records with 17 set OPN genotypes were analyzed in the first data set by a statistic model with breed, year, OPN, GPI, PGD and Hal-1843 genotype effects. Results showed only breed and year effects were significant for sow longevity.  Further analysis of average daily gain, days at 90kg and adjusted back fat by the same model, genetic marker effect was not detected also (P>0.05). The second data set re-defined OPN effects as consisting of different number of [TG] dinucleotide repeats in the promoter region of OPN gene, and there were 9 allele effects, [TG]8, [TG]13, [TG]14, [TG]19, [TG]21, [TG]23, [TG]24, [TG]25 and [TG]26. After omitting the allele effects with less than two sows in Landrance, [TG]8, [TG]13, [TG]25 and [TG]26 , the second data set had 164 sows with GPI, PGD, Hal-1843, five OPN markers and longevity data. The results showed, in addition of breed and year effect, the [TG]19 and [TG]21 alleles were significant for sow longevity(P<0.05). GPI was significant for adjusted back fat (P<0.05). [TG]23 was significant for days at 90 kg and average daily gain. However, all F statistics of genetic markers were small and P > 0.01, and, only [TG]19 and [TG]21 might relate to sow longevity. The results did not support for applying OPN, GPI, PGD and HAL-1843 markers to select sow longevity directly.


Key words: Genetic marker, Microsatellite marker, Sow longevity