

J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 39(Suppl.)



賴永裕(1) 謝明學(2) 王佩華(3) 吳明哲(1) 宋永義(3)

 (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)財團法人中央畜產會 (3)臺灣大學動物科學技術學系


種豬骨架高大的選拔,可增加其後代肉豬屠體肉量。本試驗目的為進行中央畜產會種豬性能檢定站之各品種種豬體型評估,以瞭解台灣種豬骨架改良的情況。試驗期間自2005年7月至2010年10月於中央畜產會種豬性能檢定站,將生長性能檢定合格的六月齡種豬,於達七月齡時進行體型評鑑,並選取體型評鑑前三分之一進行體型排名,入選豬隻同時實施體型測量(包括:體長、體高、胸圍、胸深、胸寬、後寬及前管圍)。試驗豬隻,包括L、Y及D三個品種之公母豬,總計已評鑑2,296頭,體型測量者572頭。另六月齡生長性能檢定合格,七月齡並入選體型優良的種豬,其體長、體高及後寬等三個測量值加總為「體總長」,而體總長達270公分以上的七月齡種豬,名為「高大型種豬」。試驗結果顯示,通過生長性能檢定合格,且入選體型優良並有體測值的種公豬中,約有150頭藍瑞斯、44頭約克夏與325頭杜洛克,合計519頭,其體總長平均±SD分別依序為257.9±6.5、255.7±6.9與255.6±5.1公分,而其中符合 ”高大型種豬” 之藍瑞斯則有5頭(3.3%)、約克夏有2頭(4.5%)及杜洛克有2頭(0.6%)。





The Evaluation of “The Tall Pig” in Taiwan


Y. Y. Lai(1) , M. H. Hsieh(2), P. H. Wang(3), M. C. Wu(1), Y. Y. Sung(3)(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, (2)Nation Animal Industry Foundation,(3)Department of Animal Science and Technology, Taiwan University


The selection of large-frame breed pig could increase the meat quantity of their offspring. The aims of this study is to evaluate body conformation of breed pig for testing growth performance in pig performance testing station of National Animal Industry Foundation from July, 2005 to October, 2010. The breed pigs were measured body conformation which the top one third ranking champions by judging the body type in seven months old, and growth performance certified in six month of age. The item of the body conformation were to measure body length, body height, chest girth, depth, width, rear width, and girth of limb. There are total 2296 breed pigs to be judged body type, including Landrace, Yorkshire and Duroc, and all of them, 572 heads, to be measured the body conformation. The champion pigs of judging body type and growth performance certified were measured sum of length which including body height, body length and rear width, the sum of more than 270 cm are honored as ” The Tall Pig”. The results were showed that 150 Landrace, 44 Yorkshire, and 325 Duroc (total 519) were champion pigs, the average total length(mean±S.D.)are 257.9±6.5, 255.7±6.9 and 255.6±5.1 cm, respectively. There are five Landrace(3.3%), two Yorkshire(4.5%) and two Duroc(0.6%) boars have the highest honor “The Tall Pig” when using those records.


Key Words: Pig, Body conformation, Growth performance