

J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 39(Suppl.)




林德育(1) 林義福(1) 林秀蓮(1) 邢湘琳(1) 賴永裕(1) 張秀鑾(2) 吳明哲(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系


藾菢性是造成雞隻產蛋數低落的重要因素之一。本試驗利用畜試土雞近親品系9與來亨雞進行正反雜交產生雜交一代雞隻,雜交一代雞隻進行全同胞配種產生雜交二代雞隻,以建立參考族群。採集參考族群雞隻血樣萃取DNA,進行泌乳素基因(Prl)基因型檢測,並結合母雞藾菢記錄進行關聯性分析。畜試土雞近親品系9 雞隻Prl基因型頻率MM、MN及NN分別為33.3%、36.4%及30.3%,而來亨雞皆為NN基因型,顯示在畜試土雞近親品系9與來亨雞品系P間的Prl基因型頻率存在顯著的關聯性 (P<0.001)。雜交二代母雞有80%無藾菢行為表現,藾菢天數達3天以上的母雞平均藾菢天數為19.6天。將無藾菢行為的母雞當作無藾菢性組,藾菢天數達3天以上的母雞則為有藾菢性組,分析Prl基因型與有無藾菢性組間亦存在顯著的關聯性(P<0.01),而NN型的母雞顯著地較MM型與MN型的母雞無藾菢(P<0.01)。







D. Y. Lin(1), Y. F. Lin(1), H. L. Lin(1), S. L. Hsing(1), Y. Y. Lai(1), H. L. Chang(2) and M. C. Wu(1)


 (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture (2)Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Chicken broodiness is considered as one of the major factors that decrease the potential of egg production. In order to set up a F2 design reference family for mapping of broodiness, the F1 hybrid progenies was produced by reciprocal crosses between LRI native chicken inbred line 9( LRI-L9) and Leghorn, and F2 progenies was produced by fullsib mating of F1. Records of genotyping of DNA extracted from blood merged with broody records was used to explore the association between broodiness and genotype. Prl of PCR-SSCP has three genotypes. The genotype frequency of MM, MN and NN in LRI-L9 were 33.3%, 36.4% and 30.3%, respectively. But, all leghorns were NN type in the collected samples. The G0 data showed a strong association between breed and genotype (P<0.001). Eighty percent of hens of F2 don’t express broody behavior. The average broody days of broody hens, with more than three days continually broody records, were 19.6 days. The link between Prl genotypes and broodiness was also significant in the F2 data set (P<0.01) and hens with NN genotype were less broody than those hens with MN genotype or MM genotype(P<0.01).


Key Words: Chicken, Broodiness, Prolactin gene