<% CountFile = Server.MapPath("indexde.txt") Set FileObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set Out= FileObject.OpenTextFile (CountFile, 1, FALSE, FALSE) counter = Out.ReadLine Out.Close SET FileObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set Out= FileObject.CreateTextFile (CountFile, TRUE, FALSE) Application.lock counter= counter + 1 Out.WriteLine(counter) Application.unlock Out.Close Length=Len(counter) ImgStr="" for i=1 to 7 - Length ' 計數器預設 7 位數 , 不滿以 0 補足 ImgStr1=""+ImgStr1 next do while Length>=1 ' 將數字轉成對應的圖檔名稱 ImgStr2=""+ImgStr2 Length=Length-1 loop ImgStr=ImgStr1+ImgStr2 %> DNA庫

<% =ImgStr %>


yl_ball.gif (967 個位元組)Taiwan Animal Germplasm Center
yl_ball.gif (967 個位元組)Cambridge Healthtech Institute
yl_ball.gif (967 個位元組) The 27th Annual Conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society
yl_ball.gif (967 個位元組) Application of Genomic Livestock and Poultry for Animal Industry(2004/11/18-2004/11/20)